Part 15: No, strip mine our customers HARDER
Episode 14: No, strip mine our customers HARDER

Delia, I know it must be hard to burden the responsibilities that Armand has placed on your shoulders, but he is counting on you!

Oh, uncle Michel, I just hope that I can live up to his expectations
Isn't it a
little early for Delia to be calling him "uncle Michel"?

Worry not, Delia. I will assist you in anyway way I can.

Now that you are taking care of Armand's business during his absence, I'd like to warn you of OmniFood's latest assault. They have started a price war, and it appears that OmniFood is taking this quite seriously. They have never spent so much money on advertising before!

What can I do?

Well, adding set lunches and dinners are good, cost-effective ways to counterattack.

What are set lunches and dinners?

Well, the concept is simple. You see, many customers, when ordering, will only order one or two items, say, a soup and a main course. That means less sales for you. However, with a set lunch or dinner, you can offer them a complete package deal.

A package deal?

Yes, and that's the beauty behind set lunches and dinners. You see, you can offer all courses appetizer, soup, main course, and dessert! That means when customers order, they will order a LOT. And that can only mean more earnings for your bottom line if customers spend more!

But do customers go for these set courses?

Of course! Because customers think that set lunches and dinners are a better deal, they tend to order these before ordering a la carte.

What is so beneficial about set lunches and dinners?

They are great for increasing the spending among customers. Add a few in your menu and try it out. Customers tend to order set meals, when they're available, of course!

1 How do I add set lunches and dinners to my menu?

Simple! Just open your food menu, and keep flipping the pages until you are near the end, and see either the words *set lunch* or *set dinner* on the page. And then start adding recipes! As long as you're on the set lunch or dinner page, the recipe will be added to the right page.

Just remember to offer a variety of food to your customers within the set lunch and dinner. Don't offer them only appetizers, for instance! Try to offer a bit of everything appetizer, soup, main course and dessert one of each is more than adequate to incite curiosity in your customers!

Thanks for all your advice, Michel.

Please don't thank me I'm only here to help!

Before I leave, is there anything specific as to what I should do in Armand's absence?

Well, I think that in order to keep Armand's operations afloat in Los Angeles and specifically regarding Wagons Ho!

I think it will suffice if you can maintain this restaurant's average spending per customer at $20 per head while at the same time keep the customer satisfaction level at the steakhouse at 50%. That should do until Armand gets back!

Just remember that in order to meet these goals, you will have to transfer yourself to Wagons Ho! if you are in another restaurant if you want to be in charge of the restaurant, it's only fitting that you are present there!

Okay, I'll try my best!

I know you will, dear, and I know you'll succeed! Now, let's go you have a restaurant to run, and I have a market to attend to!
I can't believe that the game is still making me sit through these long tutorials. We're getting near the end of the game! Michel really wants Delia to go to Wagons Ho! for some reason, so I transfer her there. Stan Mazowski is our most celebrated chef, so I send him to take care of Treize à Table in Armand's absence.
Set lunches and dinners are pretty useful. A lot of our lunch guests don't go for a full four-course meal with appetizer, soup, main course and dessert, but if we offer them a package deal with a small discount they're more likely to go for it. The lunch pictured above would normally be sold for $79, but I'm offering it for only $74.80 (the game wouldn't let me set it to $74.99). I'm normally loath to give any discounts at all, but with an ingredient cost of $20.07, $74.80 in revenue is acceptable, I guess.
For dinner, guests typically do order a full meal, so set dinners are slightly less useful, but it's a way to encourage guests to order high-margin recipes that are quick to cook. This means I can use the set dinner to try to steer guests away from any terrible dishes that I've been asked to put on the menu! I've added similarly exploitative set menus to the other restaurant.
A customer sells me the recipe for steamed clams with wine for $55,000. Pretty good quality, although the profit margin is poor, but we can just reduce the ingredient costs by buying cheap, expired clams. A pretty
good recipe.
Shortly after, I get a pop-up telling me that a ~dapper chef~ is approaching!

Hi there! May I help you?

Good day to you. I am Sergio, and I am looking for some work. You see, I am a chef, freshly graduated, but eager to try!

A freshly graduated chef!

Yes, and anxious to make his mark in the culinary world. If you allow me to work under your supervision, I promise not to disappoint!

And what skills do you bring to the table?

Not much, really, but I am a fast learner, and very eager! I can cook French, Italian and American cuisines, but perhaps not as good as you would expect though it's certainly not for a lack of trying!

Why should I hire you?

Because I will listen to your orders, follow your instructions and strive to make the restaurant business a success.

How much do you expect in terms of salary?

I don't care much for the money. I want the experience, and more than that, to work with a company as prestigious as this! Money's no object my father is a wealthy man. I simply enjoy cooking because it's my passion.

Well, then, I hope you make the most of your experience with me. Welcome aboard!

Why, thank you so much, Miss Delecoeur! I will report to duty right away! I am so fortunate to work with you and the organization that you represent!
I'm normally against hiring these useless chefs with no skills or experience, but I very much like this intriguing "no salary" arrangement. Is that a thing in the culinary world? Being hired to work "for exposure"? Because I must say, I'm a fan!

Don't thank me. Just do this company good!

I sure will, Miss Delecoeur! The only thing is, I don't know of many recipes. Can you show me a few so I can become more productive for you sooner?

Of course. You can use the recipes from the restaurants.

Thanks, Miss Delecoeur! I'll try my hardest to impress!

Call me Delia!
The rest of the day passes uneventfully, but the next day, Sergio mysteriously disappears. Those damned fickle millennials! Doesn't he realise what a great opportunity it is to work for free in our restaurant?
A very mysterious and short mission. Next mission, we'll be getting our final restaurant, which is also by far the stupidest restaurant in the game!